
  • Agustinus Allu Politeknik STIA LAN Makassar
  • Muh. Syarif Ahmad Politeknik STIA LAN Makassar
  • Wahyu Nurdiansyah N. Politeknik STIA LAN Makassar



Wastewater Management, Domestic Waste, East Luwu District


This study employs a qualitative descriptive methodology.   The research methodologies employed comprised field observations, interviews, and document analysis.   An interactive method was employed to analyze the acquired data, which included data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions pertaining to the performance of Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants (IPALD).   The analyzed components were socio-economic factors, community participation, and institutional aspects.   The research findings indicate that the IPALD in Buangin Village, Garkim Hamlet, is still in good working order.   Nevertheless, the IPALD (Integrated Waste Water Treatment Plant) in Libukan Mandiri Village, Kalosi Village, and Buangin Village, Lamonto Hamlet, is seeing a decline in its functionality. This is evident from the decreasing number of beneficiaries or the complete cessation of its usage, which can be attributed to several factors.   This phenomenon arises as a result of inadequate comprehension within the community in various domains, specifically: (1) inadequate financial contributions, (2) insufficient community engagement in communal tasks or reciprocal aid to uphold environmental cleanliness, (3) subpar performance of user and maintenance groups due to limited manpower, and (4) limited dissemination of information during the COVID-19 pandemic regarding the significance of environmental conservation.   Hence, it is imperative to carry out re-socialization and bolster community involvement in the upkeep of IPALD.


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How to Cite

Allu, Agustinus, Muh. Syarif Ahmad, and Wahyu Nurdiansyah N. 2023. “THE EVALUATION OF RESIDENTIAL-SCALE DOMESTIC WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES IN THE EAST LUWU DISTRICT”. Jurnal Administrasi Negara 29 (2):147-70.